

Get ready for vacance!

How to make handsome brow for summer holiday

Dandy brow project for hot summer

It’s August! Hot summer holiday season is back!
School of K-Beauty is here to help to enhance first impression for guys!  
Brow trimming is just for girls’
Are you one of the guys who thinks like this?
While hairy brows give lazy and old impression, subtle and proper eyebrow trimming will make you look like a refined city boy.
Let’s make ‘dandy brows’ that would stand out in holiday resort.

How to make handsome brow for summer holiday STEP 1 Image


Using the brow pencil, find a right angle, as if you were using a ruler.
Emphasize the top part of the brow, while not making the brow too horizontal.

How to make handsome brow for summer holiday STEP 2 Image


Remove the fine hairs that stick out of the outline you’ve just drawn.
For the upper eyelid, slightly trim the hairs from side to side, while vertically holding the razor.
For the hairs on the upper side of the brows, trim it up and down.

How to make handsome brow for summer holiday STEP 3 Image


After trimming the fine hairs, remove the brow that you’ve drawn with cotton swab.
Finally, brush the brows using eyebrow brush, then ‘handsome dandy brow’ is done!
